Download the Magnify Tool Today

Tool Created for and by Children’s Palliative Care Providers

The Magnify Tool is a customisable tool for children’s palliative care providers and teams to explore and use their service data and information.

Co-created through a user-designed methodology with over 60 contributors from over 20 countries representing six continents, the Magnify Tool is designed to apply to diverse settings and staff. 

Need for Magnify Tool

The Magnify Tool responds to the need across the children’s palliative care community for a practical tool to help understand service data and information.

100 Metrics in 10 Areas

The Magnify Tool has over 100 metrics aligned into 10 focus areas, from holistic clinician practices with families to considerations of facility needs.

Embedded Resources

As a free tool, the Magnify Tool also offers real-world case examples, relevant resources, and evidence-informed articles aligned by metric.


Users are encouraged to focus on the most relevant and impactful areas for their context in a hospital, outpatient, hospice, community or general child health setting. 

Use the Magnify Tool to Make Impact

Ready to use the tool? Check out the user guide here for practical tips on making change alongside your colleagues. 

Understand the User-Designed Methodology

The Magnify Tool intentionally engaged diverse practitioner perspectives to iteratively create the Magnify Tool.

Thank you to everyone who supported the development of the Magnify Tool!

We are grateful for the generous support from the Isabella Seràgnoli Foundation and the Mais Research Center for this project. 

We appreciate the organisations who contributed to the Magnify Tool.

Click here to see the incredible individuals who co-designed and contributed their time and expertise to creating the Magnify Tool.